Pro100Moder ®
Стаж: 10 лет Сообщений: 2386 Откуда: Earth

- Blue Dragon--
Год выпуска: 2007 г. Жанр: JRPG Разработчик: Mistwalker Издательство: Microsoft Game Studios Регион игры: Region Free Прошивка: iXtreme LT+ и ниже (1-11 волна) Возраст: T - От 13 лет Язык интерфейса игры: ENG Тип перевода игры: нет-
Blue Dragon - это эпическая история, главными героями которой являются мальчик Шу и несколько его друзей. Юные герои обладают удивительными способностями - они могут управлять различными Тенями - фантастическими созданиями, полностью повторяющими действия своего хозяина. Таким образом, ребята могут в любой момент превращаться из беззащитных детей в могущественных титанов, наделенных практически безграничными силами и в совершенстве владеющих магией. Юные воины могут самостоятельно создавать и развивать свой уникальный боевой стиль, используя в качестве базового несколько основных: Sword, Assassin и Power Magic. Как заведено в подобных играх, Шу наделен этим даром неспроста - героям предстоит нелегкое сражение с таинственным неприятелем, исходом которого должно стать освобождение целого мира от посягающего на его целостность Зла.-
ABGX 360Disk 1Код: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\//\\//\\//\\// _ |_ _ \ \/ /_ _ _ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\ //\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ------------------------_|------_||_||_|--v1.0.6-------[]---- Checking for updates to abgx360.dat... abgx360.dat was downloaded successfully D:\game\ANIME\PlayStation\pspemu\jpcsp-windows-x86\apathy-bluedragond1.dvd is valid Checking Game ISO: "D:\game\ANIME\PlayStation\pspemu\jpcsp-windows-x86\apathy-bluedragond1.iso" Size: 7572881408 bytes Files in ISO: 5038, Folders in ISO: 36 Total bytes used: 6664773079 (91.32%) Game appears to have random padding Checking default.xex Disc Number: 1 of 3 Original PE Filename: Original PE Timestamp: 2007/05/18 04:23:29 Min Kernel Required: v2.0.5759.0 Game Name: Blue Dragon Developer: Mistwalker / Artoon Publisher: Microsoft Genre: Role-Playing Game No Avatar Awards Achievements: 43 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore XEX CRC = B5DEC73D XEX Media ID: 7888D50BAB513E1E95134ED0-3A702998 Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF Region Free! Checking SS Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/06/06 00:00:00 Timestamp of Mastering: 2007/07/19 04:32:28 SS Version: 1 SS CRC = 7635180E (RawSS = F138D45A) SS Media ID: 7888D50BAB513E1E95134ED0-3A702998 (matches game) SS looks valid Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/06/06 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = B793D765 DMI Media ID: 7888D50BAB513E1E95134ED0-3A702998 (matches game) DMI looks valid Checking PFI PFI CRC = A4CFB59C PFI matches known data (2nd Wave) Video partition found ISO size is too small to contain the L1 Video! Video CRC check was aborted Stealth check failed! Starting AutoFix Looking for Xex_B5DEC73D.ini in the online verified database Xex_B5DEC73D.ini was downloaded successfully 'Xex_B5DEC73D.ini' contains 2 SS CRCs, randomly picked #1 Looking for 7635180EB5DEC73D.ini in the online verified database 7635180EB5DEC73D.ini was downloaded successfully Using 7635180EB5DEC73D.ini (312 bytes) Verifying Video_91410773.iso is valid before using it for AutoFix Video partition found Video CRC = 91410773 (V0 = 81DF6964, V1 = E47F6A94) Video partition matches known data (2nd Wave) Automatically patching stealth files... Patching Video from Video_91410773.iso ISO size is too small to contain the L1 Video, extending... Extending "D:\game\ANIME\PlayStation\pspemu\jpcsp-windows-x86\apathy-bluedragond1.iso" to 7835492352 Bytes... Done Padding L0 Video... Done Padding L1 Video... Done Stealth files patched successfully! AnyDVD style corruption was not detected Game CRC = 22155991 Game partition CRC matches the verified ini! AutoFix was successful! Disk 2Код: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\//\\//\\//\\// _ |_ _ \ \/ /_ _ _ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\ //\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ------------------------_|------_||_||_|--v1.0.6-------[]---- Checking for updates to abgx360.dat... Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving D:\game\ANIME\PlayStation\pspemu\jpcsp-windows-x86\apathy-bluedragond2.dvd is valid Checking Game ISO: "D:\game\ANIME\PlayStation\pspemu\jpcsp-windows-x86\apathy-bluedragond2.iso" Size: 7572881408 bytes Files in ISO: 4526, Folders in ISO: 36 Total bytes used: 6728327419 (92.19%) Game appears to have random padding Checking default.xex Disc Number: 2 of 3 Original PE Filename: Original PE Timestamp: 2007/05/18 04:23:29 Min Kernel Required: v2.0.5759.0 Game Name: Blue Dragon Developer: Mistwalker / Artoon Publisher: Microsoft Genre: Role-Playing Game No Avatar Awards Achievements: 43 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore XEX CRC = 255FDCFC XEX Media ID: 762B6E532913905D08A911B0-1D8CBD9D Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF Region Free! Checking SS Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/06/06 00:00:00 Timestamp of Mastering: 2007/07/19 01:53:20 SS Version: 1 SS CRC = 9F5F9E57 (RawSS = C50C984D) SS Media ID: 762B6E532913905D08A911B0-1D8CBD9D (matches game) SS looks valid Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/06/06 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = BF7B4CE6 DMI Media ID: 762B6E532913905D08A911B0-1D8CBD9D (matches game) DMI looks valid Checking PFI PFI CRC = A4CFB59C PFI matches known data (2nd Wave) Video partition found ISO size is too small to contain the L1 Video! Video CRC check was aborted Stealth check failed! Starting AutoFix Looking for Xex_255FDCFC.ini in the online verified database Xex_255FDCFC.ini was downloaded successfully 'Xex_255FDCFC.ini' contains 2 SS CRCs, randomly picked #2 Looking for 9F5F9E57255FDCFC.ini in the online verified database 9F5F9E57255FDCFC.ini was downloaded successfully Using 9F5F9E57255FDCFC.ini (303 bytes) Verifying Video_91410773.iso is valid before using it for AutoFix Video partition found Video CRC = 91410773 (V0 = 81DF6964, V1 = E47F6A94) Video partition matches known data (2nd Wave) Automatically patching stealth files... Patching Video from Video_91410773.iso ISO size is too small to contain the L1 Video, extending... Extending "D:\game\ANIME\PlayStation\pspemu\jpcsp-windows-x86\apathy-bluedragond2.iso" to 7835492352 Bytes... Done Padding L0 Video... Done Padding L1 Video... Done Stealth files patched successfully! AnyDVD style corruption was not detected Game CRC = F1AEB749 Game partition CRC matches the verified ini! AutoFix was successful! Disk 3Код: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\//\\//\\//\\// _ |_ _ \ \/ /_ _ _ \\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\ //\\//\\//\\//\\ (_||_)(_|/ /\ \_||_ | | //\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\// ------------------------_|------_||_||_|--v1.0.6-------[]---- Checking for updates to abgx360.dat... Server file abgx360.dat no newer than local file - not retrieving D:\game\ANIME\PlayStation\pspemu\jpcsp-windows-x86\apathy-bluedragond3.dvd is valid Checking Game ISO: "D:\game\ANIME\PlayStation\pspemu\jpcsp-windows-x86\apathy-bluedragond3.iso" Size: 7572881408 bytes Files in ISO: 4762, Folders in ISO: 36 Total bytes used: 7171445867 (98.26%) Game appears to have random padding Checking default.xex Disc Number: 3 of 3 Original PE Filename: Original PE Timestamp: 2007/05/18 04:23:29 Min Kernel Required: v2.0.5759.0 Game Name: Blue Dragon Developer: Mistwalker / Artoon Publisher: Microsoft Genre: Role-Playing Game No Avatar Awards Achievements: 43 Achievements totaling 1000 Gamerscore XEX CRC = 969430EC XEX Media ID: 0EF9071E48E16E8D4444E0AA-05C08AC4 Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF Region Free! Checking SS Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/06/06 00:00:00 Timestamp of Mastering: 2007/07/13 08:24:13 SS Version: 1 SS CRC = 6D9A3388 (RawSS = DBB25ECC) SS Media ID: 0EF9071E48E16E8D4444E0AA-05C08AC4 (matches game) SS looks valid Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/06/06 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = F51CC8A7 DMI Media ID: 0EF9071E48E16E8D4444E0AA-05C08AC4 (matches game) DMI looks valid Checking PFI PFI CRC = A4CFB59C PFI matches known data (2nd Wave) Video partition found ISO size is too small to contain the L1 Video! Video CRC check was aborted Stealth check failed! Starting AutoFix Looking for Xex_969430EC.ini in the online verified database Xex_969430EC.ini was downloaded successfully 'Xex_969430EC.ini' contains 2 SS CRCs, randomly picked #1 Looking for 732F8682969430EC.ini in the online verified database 732F8682969430EC.ini was downloaded successfully Using 732F8682969430EC.ini (317 bytes) Looking for SS_732F8682.bin in the online verified database SS_732F8682.bin was downloaded successfully Verifying SS_732F8682.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix Checking SS Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/06/06 00:00:00 Timestamp of Mastering: 2007/07/14 05:45:01 SS Version: 2 (trusted) SS CRC = 732F8682 (RawSS = 2DED5412) SS Media ID: 0EF9071E48E16E8D4444E0AA-05C08AC4 (matches game) SS looks valid Looking for DMI_3445482C.bin in the online verified database DMI_3445482C.bin was downloaded successfully Verifying DMI_3445482C.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix Checking DMI Timestamp of Authoring: 2007/06/06 00:00:00 (matches SS) DMI CRC = 3445482C DMI Media ID: 0EF9071E48E16E8D4444E0AA-05C08AC4 (matches game) DMI looks valid Verifying Video_91410773.iso is valid before using it for AutoFix Video partition found Video CRC = 91410773 (V0 = 81DF6964, V1 = E47F6A94) Video partition matches known data (2nd Wave) Automatically patching stealth files... Patching Video from Video_91410773.iso ISO size is too small to contain the L1 Video, extending... Extending "D:\game\ANIME\PlayStation\pspemu\jpcsp-windows-x86\apathy-bluedragond3.iso" to 7835492352 Bytes... Done Padding L0 Video... Done Padding L1 Video... Done Patching DMI from DMI_3445482C.bin Patching SS from SS_732F8682.bin Stealth files patched successfully! AnyDVD style corruption was not detected Game CRC = B9FF15B4 Game partition CRC matches the verified ini! AutoFix was successful!

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